/ creative director



Periods Make Sense

How can we fight menstruation stigma in the United States and get the conversation going?

To make a statement about periods, we will take them out of an iconic American magazine.



We will partner with The New Yorker to create an issue by all female writers.
The catch? Each article will be sans-periods to drive conversation.



by maidenly pham

We don’t even necessarily have to agree on what the nuances of feminism should include or pertain to since at our core, we all believe in championing the rights for all women and ultimately, all vulnerable groups such as children and even men So it’s fine if you’re protesting for something such as ecofeminism, a movement I have limited understanding of but can’t see myself identifying with fully This isn’t to say I don’t support you and your mission Perhaps I’d be more inclined to be a bigger advocate if it wasn’t for my fear of the open wild

The first wave of feminism was centered around women’s suffrage and extended to property rights It also included the transition away from women being considered their husbands’ property The second wave’s focus was less on economic and legal protections but rather equality and discrimination, seemingly intangible ideas that were essential to our upward climb in society The third wave, which is the one most represented in contemporary culture, was focused on increased women’s rights to education and sexual liberation, a concept both taboo and unknown to women in conservative countries whose basic rights are not yet guaranteed to this day

I wouldn’t expect women in impoverished countries to put environmental ethics as their top concern in the fight for equality These issues are seen as catastrophic in the western world where our basic needs are generally met which allows us to invest time, energy, and effort into fighting for the environment While it does directly impact our wellbeing, those who are struggling just to survive simply cannot afford to put reducing one’s carbon footprint at the top of their priority list

To assume that our struggles here in the cushy U S of A are comparable to those of women in developing countries who are subjected to crimes against humanity is an extremely limited, narrow, and insensitive worldview

Feminism definitely isn’t a competition where the winner is the person who’s dealt with the most adversity All of the waves of feminism were and are valid to this day, some just more valid to certain individuals depending on the point in history, context, and their unique upbringing

You can be a feminist who disagrees with some feminist movements since we’re all working toward a better future and fighting for the same thing: more



On National Period Day Thinx will promote #periodsmakesense across social and encourage people to join the movement in period solidarity.


Kristin Mizushima // Maidenly Pham